Wednesday 24 February 2021

Laws of Health

A believer from another continent requested recently what he should do for his people in the midst of all that is happening in his country and the world at present? It was kindly suggested that he might like to use this time wisely to instruct them in the 8 Doctors, also known as the Laws of Health, that God gave to our prophet for us to use at this time, as they are the best way to live, prevent disease, will protect us from anything that this world can throw at us, and will heal those affected, if used as He prescribed them:

Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power--these are the true remedies. MH 127 

Diet-Rest-H2O-Exercise-Air-Light from the sun-Trust in Divine power-Harmony/homeostasis-maintain; with no harmful substance to be taken into the body.


Diet: The Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy promote a vegetarian diet of fruits, grains, nuts and vegetables simply prepared. This diet provides protection from disease and also ensures physical and intellectual strength. Not only is the quality of what we eat important but also how we eat it, how much we eat and at what times i.e. time, type and amount. 

Rest: Adequate rest at night (at least 7-8 hrs) prepares us for the next day as well as allowing our body time to repair and replace worn parts. Jesus admonishes us to continually rest in Him and to also “come apart and rest awhile.” We need time now and then to just stop. He also gave us the Sabbath, one day in seven when we can rest from the stresses of a busy life and spend more time with Him.


H2O: Our body is approx. 70% water. Internally we need a minimum of 6-8 glasses/day (A guide for quantity of water needed/day/person = Weight in kg x 2.2 x 17ml). Externally, water is used not only for washing regularly but also for hydrotherapy to fight disease and injury using the steam, liquid, and solid (ice) forms.


Exercise: We were created for action. All of the lifestyle diseases are improved by regular exercise, the best being useful, manual labour. 

Air: Deep breathing rejuvenates cells and is essential for the cardio-vascular system & relaxation. 

Light from the Sun: Important for both maintenance of good health and as a remedy for illness. It helps to control our body weight, hormone levels and the manufacture of Vitamin D. While safe sun exposure is important, ensure that you do not burn. 

Trust in Divine Power: Knowing God's love for me personally, I can be perfectly content to trust to His will in every aspect of my life. His forgiveness removes the guilt from our lives and this has a positive effect on the immune system. An attitude of gratitude and praise can fight disease. 

Harmony: A balanced, temperate lifestyle, free from all harmful substances and moderation in the good things, is what the body requires to both maintain health and to fight disease.