Wednesday 10 March 2021

All Is Quiet

There seems to be a lull internally and externally, which we all know is just before the “storm coming relentless in it’s fury”. History is replete with examples of what God’s professed people will do during any tarrying time, and the results have usually been detrimental to the cause of God. There is always, for some inexplicable reason, an irresistible urge to DO or be DOING something, anything other than “Get ready”, to be prepared for “the coming crisis”, waiting on Christ for our next instruction.

Well, there is something that we can all be doing at this time, it is what the LORD has instructed us to do - study the relevant Biblical passages for our present time and also the Spirit Of Prophecy chapters connected with them e.g. GC Ch 34-38.

Please read or listen to the audio of these chapters over and over, becoming very familiar with the words in them, and as you do you will see clearly that the news (at least the various channels that we follow) is describing these very things in great detail. We can be prepared for all that is coming very soon, and there will be no valid excuse possible for anyone, because we can all access the Bible and the Spirit Of Prophecy on our phones, tablets and computers at no cost.

It is all unfolding before our very eyes, right now - you can be prepared and you can be living by “the faith of Jesus” just as He lived while on this earth.

As Christ was entirely dependent on the Father, you must be dependent on Christ Jesus. Ms 171,1905

This will be the only possible way that we will be able to survive all that is to come upon us in these closing scenes, and it is hoped that we are all developing this absolute dependence on Him now, as this crisis begins to unfold.