Wednesday 2 March 2022

My Beloved

My Beloved,

How are you?

I have written this letter to tell you how much I love you.

But you have been so busy!

I saw you yesterday as you were talking with your friends. I longed to be one of them.

As evening drew near, I painted you a sunset, and gave you a cooling breeze, and I waited for you to come...

I watched as you fell asleep – exhausted. I longed to soothe you with My touch.

So I spilt moonlight upon your pillow and face. Again I waited, needing to talk. There is so much to share.

Then you awakened and hurried off to work. My tears were flowing in the rain.

At times you looked so sad. So all alone. So all alone, it makes My heart ache. I understand exactly how you feel.

They hurt and let Me down also – but I love you.

Oh, if only you would listen to Me! I love you!

I try to tell you so in the blue sky, and the quiet, green grass. I even whisper it in the leaves on the trees, and I illustrate it in the colours of the flowers.

I shout it to you in the majesty of the mountains, and the exuberance of the rushing streams.

I give the birds sweet love songs to sing to you. 

I clothe you with the warm sunshine, and perfume the air you breathe with nature's scents.

My love for you is far deeper than the ocean, higher than the mountains and greater than the greatest yearning in your heart.

Oh, if only you could realise how much I desire to abide with you now, and then to dwell, with Our Father, for eternity.

I know how difficult life is on this earth. Yes, I really know – I have lived it! 

If you desire to rest in My love, I invite you to come to Me, so we can talk. Together, we can enjoy life, My abundant life.

Your Beloved,


If you would prefer a audio/visual version of this post, you can watch it here -