Monday 28 June 2021

God and Man

Today’s post was written especially for aboveveryname by a lovely seven year old girl, who is a Present Truth believer, and who along with her family, enjoy fellowship with Absolute Certainty. 

There are lots of differences between God and man. 

One of them is that God is holy and man is not. Although people like Pharisees claim that they are holy, they are not. 

Another difference is that man lives a worldly life and God lives a heavenly life.

Next, thinking back to the Bible times, God parted the Red Sea, probably most of the people thought that Moses did it, but, it was not Moses, it was God, the Almighty God.

Again, in the Bible times, when you think back to the story of Paul, the people of Lystra thought that he was a god because he had healed a crippled man, but it was not done with Paul's power, but with God's power.

And of course, there are more differences than that, but the point is that there are differences between God and man. 

The Spirit of God is more powerful than man. And when Jesus comes, Satan will be defeated and the Christians will rise up out of the grave. 

God and man will then be together forever.