Saturday 17 July 2021

Daniel Connections

As we are all aware, the book of Daniel contains important prophecies; but, let us not forget that there are also important stories, three of which chronicle events which occurred in the lives of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and which address two major issues i.e. temperance and worship -

1. In chapter one we have a crisis that deals with what is put into the body and will defile it – a health crisis (temperance).

2. In chapter three we have a worship crisis.

3. In chapter six we have a death decree.

Is this what we are seeing playing out in the lives of God's people today?

1. We are being faced with a health crisis (temperance) at the present time. Not with COVID-19 itself, but with the “vaccine” that they are endeavouring to compel everyone to receive.

2. In the near future we will see a worship crisis, when the Sunday Law issue comes to a head.

3. Then, shortly after, a death decree will be issued against those who have not given in during the two previous crises.