Monday 26 July 2021

Evil Formula


Worldwide events and current circumstances have caused us to revisit a principle that has been in play ever since, “the mystery of iniquity” arose in the mind of that covering cherub in heaven. It has been successfully used throughout history, in every sector, and every level of society worldwide, but it is really being played to the full at present. You will be sure to see it too - 


It is an unfailing formula of evil -

“A” does some thing to “B”, 
“B” retaliates (which is exactly what they were hoping would happen)
and then “A” gets off “scot-free” (i.e. without any consequences), or so it seems in the short term. 

Unless our Almighty God is involved in the equation, then it will certainly fail. 

This is the main problem in families, churches, communities, states, nations, the world; they need to break anyone who is trying to do the right thing, in an attempt to wipe out the guilt that they carry. If they can find something that is said, a weakness or a sinful act that someone has been involved in, it is used to gain the maximum mileage possible out of the situation, and to accuse the person of not being able to live the life that they profess to be wanting to live - to do the right thing.

Throughout history, it has almost always proven to be successful, even many great leaders of God’s people, have fallen victim to this evil formula.
There are many and varied temptations all tailored to us individually but, this one is extremely dangerous, due to its high success rate and is what we have to abide in Christ mostly for. He conquered every sin but, He won this particular victory for us every day on this earth in the midst of unrelenting provocation and temptation in this matter. They were trying to break Him constantly, BUT, He would not ever take the bait!

For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth: Who, when He was reviled, reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not; but committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously. 1 Peter 2:21-23

This is also the power of our GOD, for He was “God with us”, and it is the security of His government and the universe. He allows it to all play out fully, taking all of the false accusations, etc., thrown at Him, without retaliating, so that the enemy (“the accuser of the brethren”) is exposed and all can clearly see the full picture of what is really happening in the Great Controversy. Very, very powerful; very, very effective - which is why it can be said, “In Whom are hid all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”.

If “B” does not retaliate when provoked/tempted then that leaves “A” with the guilt, which is the sole reason they are provoking in the first place; they always try to bring others into the evil they are participating in to make themselves feel better, even though they know they are in the wrong. 

The provocation will not cease, it will keep coming even more strongly -
Our only hope is to live by the "faith of Jesus", the 3rd Angel's message, moment by moment. He will have a people who will reflect His image/character perfectly - He is calling you to chose to be one of them from this moment, today, for all eternity.

“Thou blest Rock of Ages, I’m hiding in Thee”. 

What a Beautiful, Beloved Husband He is! 

Very soon we will be with Him for eternity.