Wednesday 29 July 2020


When we have been stung by the “sting of death”, sin, our minds are changed. We even begin to think we are invincible, that we are independent, and as Christians we can do anything, believe anything that appeals, and that everything that we believe and do is good, or even perfect and righteous. This independence instantly places us a very long way from our Creator’s plan, in fact, it is the complete opposite. The more that s-I-n is indulged in, the bolder the “I” in us becomes. Eventually it is strengthened even more by associating with others who have also been stung, “receiving honour one of another and comparing ourselves among ourselves”, it reaches the state where we can actually feel no apparent guilt, and a comfortable complacency sets in. This would be impossible to recover from if it were not for our Saviour’s redemptive ability as the only One who can lead us to repentance and save us from our sins. It is Christ’s ability to create that measures His power. The “everlasting gospel” tells us that the same power He used to speak worlds into existence, is now exerted for the salvation of men. He is God. The rightful place of Christ is set forth in order that His power to redeem might be better appreciated. Redemption is creation, the same power is used.
Commit the keeping of your soul to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator. 1 Peter 4:19.

When Christ willingly subordinated Himself for our salvation and came to demonstrate the way we are to live, He was absolutely dependent on His Father, for everything, yes, even every thought, word, deed and place to go.

When we realise our desperate need to be freed from this frightening state, and choose to be absolutely dependent on Christ for everything, allowing Him to live His life in us, we can then truely rest in Him and recover from all of the many and varied affects of sin in our life. With His righteousness, we now no longer have to try to justify everything that we do, what a relief that is - we have His rest and can safely wait on Him to unfold each day, moment by moment.

As we then thoughtfully consider “the works of His hands” in all of His creation, we observe that everything is absolutely dependant on Him for all that they need. 

How could we ever have believed that we were the only exception to this rule in all of the universe? 

Who is it that gives us our next heartbeat? 

Such is this insidious, masterful deception of independence that has been so successfully sold to this world, even to  Christians, by “the enemy of souls”. This has been especially so, and with greater intensity, during these closing scenes, just before our Saviour comes again to take His faithful ones to Himself.

It is truely a complete salvation that Christ offers, by which He fully restores us back into “the image of God”, for eternity.

Absolute dependence on Christ, for everything!

Blessed be His Name.