Tuesday 12 October 2021


Here is one person’s summary of what we are currently experiencing -

Anyone who can look back over the past 19 months and can honestly still believe that all that they have witnessed and experienced during this time was for their health, happiness, prosperity and protection and that across the entire world all of the governments, the media, the religions, the education system, the legal system, the monetary system, the medical system, and the corporations were doing everything just right and that they were only interested in caring for their well-being and also that of their family, have unfortunately never been, for whatever reason, in a position to be able to learn anything from the past. Even a quick glance back through the annals of history would bear witness to the fact that it has all been seen many times before.

Let us consider a very safe and accurate way to be able to confirm whether those involved were on the right side and working for the greater good of humanity, every person on this planet - God’s 10 Commandments. It can very easily be demonstrated that those responsible for what has happened (from the origins, through each of the following stages to the present) have openly and directly violated every one of the last 6 commandments (those regarding their dealings with their fellow man) which as a result is also demonstrating that they have no regard whatsoever for the first 4 either (those directly affecting their attitude toward God), leaving us with a very clear picture of which god they worship and who has been behind every aspect of this continually unfolding global “emergency” the entire time.