Following the Babylonian captivity we saw a strict tightening down on all of the laws of God and especially the Sabbath, which had at least 603 manmade restrictions placed upon it by the time that Christ, the LORD of the Sabbath, came to demonstrate how it was actually to be kept. He had tried, through the prophets, to instruct His denominated people what He required of them but, they decided that they did not want to go about it His way but, to DO it their way. The result was an entire nation -
Bewildered and deceived, they were moving on in gloomy procession toward eternal ruin,—to death in which is no hope of life, toward night to which comes no morning. DA 36 (see DA Ch 1-3)
How did this happen?
Well, the leaders of the people, after Ezra, Nehemiah and all of the OT prophets had died, finally decided that what had led their forebears into captivity was disobedience to God’s law and so they openly declared -
“We must never allow this to ever happen again”
When Christ is not in the hearts of His people they will resort to force and exactions to make sure that everyone complies with their wishes. So this is what Christ faced as His most difficult challenge when He came to demonstrate the freedom that “the everlasting gospel” brings to all who will receive it in all of its beauty.
Have you noticed on the news, that every day every single person who has woken up in the USA as to what is going on in their country (and also the entire world at the moment) is saying -
“We must never allow this to ever happen again”
They can now see that they have been taken captive and that their nation has gone completely against the laws of God and their Constitution - which was set up specifically to protect them from any corrupt leaders.
Before moving on we should note that not very long after those who settled the New World arrived we saw the exact same situation occur. Very soon there were strict laws enforced to control the people and force them to obey all of their Christian based rules.
Because their great concern was -
“We must never allow this to ever happen again”
According to the description in the Bible & SOP, what we are about to see, when these people succeed in taking back their country for God, will be a direct repeat of the time period called the “Intertestimental” era - from Malachi - Matthew, that we see described in the first 3 chapters of DA. The formation of the Herod dynasty, the Maccabean wars, etc., caused a complete “cracking down” on everyone by extreme force to obey the law of God and the laws of the land.
This has already been openly discussed by those who are expecting this glorious new era to begin soon and this is how they will make sure that -
“We must never allow this to ever happen again”
Just one very small “obscure” group of people who will not go along with their perfect plan.
Why not?
Because they recognise where the “force” is coming from and are living by the “everlasting gospel” so they willingly “keep the commandments of God (not man, with the forced wrong day of worship) and the “faith of Jesus” (which is the only way that anyone can ever keep the commandments of God correctly) - the 3AM.