Sunday 19 September 2021

Parallel History

Notice carefully the 46 years to build God’s final temple and the parallel history of the 2nd beast of Revelation 13 and our church, which actually started in that prophetic country.

The “prophetic periods” are a good place to begin-

1260: AD 538 – AD 1798.

1290: AD 508 – AD 1798.

1335: AD 508 – AD 1843, Daniel 12:12.

2300: 457 BC – AD 1844 - Daniel 8:14.

2450: 607 BC – AD 1844.

2520: 723 BC – AD 1798 Israel

2520: 677 BC- AD 1844 Judah; Leviticus 26 (4X7 times.)

The most interesting to our previous topic is the 2520 of Israel with its exact split of 1260 Paganism and 1260 Papal ending right on time in 1798 - amazing!

Note carefully also our 1335 - AD 508 “the daily” - Paganism taken away and those at the end of this time period - AD 1843, were the ones who stayed the distance to form our church as 200,000+ people fell by the wayside (1st disappointment) and then 50,000 left (at dawn after the Great Disappointment) this resulted in only 50 dear souls left less than a year latter on 23 October, 1844, they went on to form our church. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. Daniel 12:12

During the 46 years represented by these God given “prophetic periods” the prophetic country and the prophetic denominated people of God were being formed into the final state that they will both fulfil His prophetic scenes at this time in history - now!

Looking at the whole scene of both of these entities that God has raised up to fulfil His will and Word, it could be said that for quite some time now both of them have lost their way from their original intent and purpose. The church has strayed from its mission and the USA has departed from its original charter, but, God has His faithful in both who are still ready to uphold the right and to return their church or country back to where it should be again. They are rising up now and forming for the final time - one will be victorious for eternity and the other will go down with the beast that it made an image to. God will call many faithful ones from the prophetic country to join His prophetic church and they will join with all of those from around the world who will “come out of her My people” during the great manifestation of God’s power at the Latter Rain of the Loud Cry that we will all be a part of.

So, the stage is set - Watch.