Christ came to this earth and lived for us the life that every one must live who is granted entrance into the city of God. He says, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” “So shall he by My disciple.”...
This world has been visited by the Majesty of heaven, the Son of God…Christ stood at the head of humanity in the garb of humanity. So full of sympathy and love was His attitude that the poorest was not afraid to come to Him. He was kind to all; easily approached by the most lowly. He went from house to house, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, comforting the mourners, soothing the afflicted, speaking peace to the distressed. He took the little children in His arms and blessed them and spoke words of hope and comfort to the weary mothers. With unfailing tenderness and gentleness He met every form of human woe and affliction. Not for Himself, but for others did He labor. He was willing to humble Himself, to deny Himself. He did not seek to distinguish Himself. He was the servant of all. It was His meat and drink to be a comfort and a consolation to others, to gladden the sad and heavy-laden ones with whom He daily came in contact.
Christ stands before us as the pattern example for all who should come after. His love, pure and holy, blessed all who came within the sphere of its influence. His character was absolutely perfect, free from the slightest taint of sin. He came as an expression of the
perfect love of God, not to crush, not to judge and condemn, but to heal every weak, defective character, to save men and women from Satan’s power. He is the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer of the human race…
How did men treat Christ when He came?…He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.”
Thus it is today. This history is being repeated and will be repeated again and again before the Lord shall come in the clouds of heaven. The deceptions of Satan will be upon those who dwell on the earth. The enemy will claim to be Christ and will deceive all but those who are steadfast and true to God…
After fitting up this world as the dwelling place of man, God looked upon it, and rejoiced in it, pronouncing it very good. So He will accept of and rejoice in the reformation wrought out by those who, receiving Christ as their Saviour, have obtained power to become the sons of God…
This earth has been trodden by the Son of God. He came to bring men light and life, to set them free from the bondage of sin. He is coming again in power and great glory, to receive to Himself those who during this life have followed in His footsteps...
We must be sanctified, soul and body, through the truth...Jesus is coming soon... make ready for His appearing...wash your robes of character and make them white in the blood of the Lamb…I greatly desire that you shall be sanctified, body, soul, and spirit, through the truth...I lift before you a crucified and risen Saviour, whom we are to receive as our Regenerator. I say to you, “Look and live.” It is our privilege to enjoy the abiding presence of Christ in our hearts. He says, “If a man love Me, he will keep My words; and My Father will love him; and We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him.” This is the identification that we must have with Christ in this world, if we are identified as His saints in the mansions that He has gone to prepare for those that love Him. We must know Christ here if we ever see the King in His beauty. Christ must be in us and we in Him. We must sit together with Him in heavenly places.
God’s people are to show to the world the power that comes to those who live the life of Christ. Lt 117, 1903