The following brief summary of the God given plan for your health, which is easily implemented and available to every person on the planet, will prove to be of enormous value to you and your family, not only at this time, but as a permanent lifestyle guide for you. There has been much research undertaken into these eight natural “doctors”, so, you will be easily able to search for more information on any or all of them, if you so desire.
This is the way Christ reintroduced His Biblical health plan to His church in the modern era:
Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power—these are the true remedies. Every person should have a knowledge of nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them. MH 127
Diet: The Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy promote the totally vegetarian diet of — fruits, grains, nuts and vegetables — which was the diet originally given by the Creator. This diet provides protection from disease and also ensures optimal physical and intellectual strength. Not only is the quality of what we eat important but also how we eat it, how much we eat and at what times i.e. time, type and amount.
Rest: Adequate nightly rest prepares us for the next day as well as allowing our body time to repair. Christ gave us the Sabbath, a weekly reminder of how He would like us to rest in Him every moment of every day.
H2O: Our body is approximately 70% water. Internally we need a minimum of 6-8 glasses/day (A guide for quantity of water needed/day/person = Weight in kg x 2.2 x 17ml). Externally, water is used not only for washing regularly but also for hydrotherapy to fight & treat disease and for rapid recovery from injury when used in its liquid, vapour (steam) and solid (ice) forms.
Exercise: Regularly in fresh air to promote circulation and all body functions. The best form is useful manual labour. Brisk walking can also be very beneficial.
Air: Deep breathing rejuvenates all cells and is essential for the cardio-vascular system. It assists the lungs in fighting off infection & can also be helpful for relaxation from stress.
Light from the Sun: Safe sun exposure is important for both maintenance of good health and as a remedy for illness. It helps to control our body weight, hormone levels and the manufacture of Vitamin D.
Trust in Divine Power: Knowing God's love for me personally, I can be perfectly content to trust to His will in every aspect of my life. His forgiveness removes guilt, which has a positive effect on the immune system. An attitude of gratitude and praise will assist in the fight against disease and infection. His righteousness brings health.
Harmony: A balanced, temperate lifestyle, free from all harmful substances, with moderation of even the healthful, is required to both maintain health and to fight disease.
Christ anointed the eyes of a blind man with clay and bade him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam....He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.” John 9:7. The cure could be wrought only by the power of the Great Healer, yet Christ made use of the simple agencies of nature….He sanctioned the use of simple and natural remedies. MH 233
It is very important to note at this stage, that only Christ, the Creator, can heal our illnesses of both body and mind. If attempted in our own strength, any relief will be superficial and short-lived at best. He has given the above remedies to assist in this work, but it is only the Name that is above every name, as He continually lives His life in and through us, that can bring true and lasting health.
It is very important to note at this stage, that only Christ, the Creator, can heal our illnesses of both body and mind. If attempted in our own strength, any relief will be superficial and short-lived at best. He has given the above remedies to assist in this work, but it is only the Name that is above every name, as He continually lives His life in and through us, that can bring true and lasting health.
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2