In “Coronavirus time” –
It was only two weeks ago that people we know personally were still planning to go on the overseas holiday that they had booked.
Last weekend congregations were happily worshiping in their churches and fans were attending their favourite sporting events.
Earlier in the week we could see how, “The problem of buying and selling will be a very serious one.” AH 141
It was only two days ago that most people thought that they would continue to have job security.
Now, as we have seen, literally anything can happen!
The speed at which things have occurred this week has shown how quickly the world can change.
And while it has always been a mystery as to how, for example, sporting events could be curtailed in order to overthrow the Sabbath of the fourth commandment and for Sunday to be installed as the day of rest nationally (USA) and then internationally, it is now easy to see that there are any number of things that could be used to bring about this event imminently – literally anything and everything is happening!
Remember, Christ has told us that –
The agencies of evil are combining their forces, and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones. 9T 11
Very soon, as His holy Sabbath is supplanted, it will be “time for Thee, Lord, to work: for they have made void Thy law.” Psalms 119:126
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:12