We are not given the ability to keep the law, but given the Mind that finds delight in doing it.
There is liberty in the life of those who don't have to be watched, but can be trusted everywhere, since their every step is but a movement of God's own, holy law; His will.
The mystery of God has been hid in ages past – “let this mind be in you…”
Let every soul hear it, that Christ has given deliverance to every captive.
If Christ is not accepted as complete Redeemer, He is not accepted at all. If Christ is not accepted for what He is, He is rejected. He does not share with any other the honour of being my Saviour. No other can.
The faith that works by love, is found only with Christ. The inability to do any good thing leads us to take the cross of Christ and depend solely on Him for everything. This is the abasement of all human pride. Love is the life of God. If that life be in us, and given free course, the law will necessarily be in us, for God's life is the law for all creation. That life was manifested in the gift of Himself to the world. There is no other love but the life of God. The only way to have it is for the Holy Spirit to shed it abroad in the heart.
He is our Saviour, our Christ, our Son. He belongs to us and so all that He has is ours. With Him God freely gives us all things.
In Christ we may assert our freedom from every bondage.
He is the only Counsellor we need. Anyone who has ever been to Him have not been disappointed.
Christ does not ask for any help of man to establish His kingdom, the kingdom is His.
It is not by strife, nor by force, nor by human effort but by the peaceful power of God in individual hearts that the kingdom is made ready for the King. Then leave others alone and let the peaceful power of God rule in your hearts. MPM