Saturday, 28 March 2020

Immortal Mortals

Hidden away below the surface of the Good Samaritan parable is the deeper subject of the Dual Atonement. For 175.5 years we have been living in The Great Antitypical Day of Atonement. It was designed that we should now be living in the same way as depicted in the original, annual day of atonement, and also with similar principles to the weekly Sabbath. In the annual day of atonement, God’s people were to fast, cease their work and afflict their souls, putting away all sin out of their lives. This would be occurring whilst the high priest completed the cleansing of the Sanctuary — removing all the sins that had accumulated over the year.

Very soon, Christ, our Great High Priest will complete the Great Antitypical High Priest’s work, bringing to a close the great cleansing from sin of the Heavenly Sanctuary.

When a convicted person comes to Christ, confessing and repenting of the sins in their life, they are granted by Him a full pardon, and are declared to be free of all sin. Because of His perfect life and ultimate death on the cross for all sin, He has the authority to do so. To those of us who are lawyers, or who love the study of law, you will know this as an interlocutory judgement. In this legal procedure a declaration is received immediately, and at a later date, after a period of probation, the final irrevocable judgement is given, when it is seen whether or not the person still wants what was granted in the declaration. 

Christ is “coming without sin unto salvation”, so all, who He is coming to take home to Himself forever, will have been declared perfect before this time. Usually a person closes their probation by death. However, when He comes, there will be a group of people that will have been alive from the Great Close of Probation through until He comes. These are Immortal mortals; they were declared righteous when they accepted Christ and received the interlocutory judgement of eternal life, they now have been declared holy, can be trusted, and are going to be alive on this earth at the most difficult time in history when a Mediator is no longer in the Sanctuary. 

The following may help to explain this all more clearly:

Victory, in order to be victory, must be eternal. But the final victory over death is only the present victory over sin, which is the sting of death. The translation of these Immortal mortals, the 144,000, at the second coming is not due to the accident of their being on earth at this time, but to their life of perfect righteousness by faith. The ensuing sanctification is simply the natural working out of the life of Christ in them. It is just as easy for God to make a man perfectly whole now, and to keep him so, as it is to keep him alive at all, for it is the One Life that does all. Keep trusting and salvation will continue. The humblest and most insignificant person on earth, who trusts the Lord, is just as safe as will be the hosts of the redeemed in the New Jerusalem during the time of the final judgement; the “lake of fire”. Therefore all who put their trust in Him now are necessarily kept in perfect peace, as they are already living in “heavenly places”; citizens of Heaven. The peace and protection given them are not a reward for trusting but are the necessary consequence of that trust. 

“Let us strive with all the power that God has given us to be among the 144,000.” His Bride.

A parting note on this very important subject:
Every day during this current global crisis we have all seen things that people thought were so important in life to them swept away in an instant.
As Christians we have been given every instruction needed for any situation that can, and will, be inflicted upon humanity. These instructions are found in the Holy Scriptures and “the Testimony of Jesus, which is the Spirit of Prophecy”. 
Already it can be clearly seen that those who have faithfully heeded the advice in these books of loving counsel from our Saviour, have not been affected in any way by any of the many, many changes that have been inflicted so suddenly upon society.
Let us praise His glorious Name for ALL that He has blest us with in life. 

This is also how the Immortal Mortals will be living, “today, today, until He comes”!