Tuesday, 17 March 2020


With a look behind the private veil of just one home in this world, we can all have opportunity to pause and reflect on what has happened in the past few days and weeks. 

Every day of their lives this particular couple have been waiting for something to occur that would clearly indicate to all that Christ is coming very soon. This expectation of His imminent return, which was built into them from birth, has affected every decision that they have made in their long married life together. But, over the years the question has always been lurking, “How would it all happen? Suddenly? Unexpectedly? Natural disaster? Terrorist attack? Economic collapse? Nuclear war? Many of the things that Christ had said would happen have been steadily increasing, but have not yet had enough overall influence to gain the attention of earth’s massive population. One definite conclusion that they had reached from their Biblical study, was that we can all be sure that whatever the event is going to be, it will come in a way that it was not expected to come.

For several weeks now, the wife of this home has been saying that she could see this current situation closing in and described her thoughts this way; “I can see this giant tsunami coming slowly towards us and there is not one thing that we can do to escape it. It is going to swamp us and everything will be affected!” Her husband kept saying, “I hope that you are right, but I cannot see how this can possibly do all of the things that you are claiming that it will.” Each day, of the past week, he has had to admit, “Well, you were right, they have just done it!” Yesterday, with things changing hourly, mid afternoon was a turning point in his thinking; he stated —  “This is - THE BIG ONE!” 

He was, in actuality, echoing the voices of the many experts around the world, who are sure of this and have been openly declaring the same for some time now. No one “out there” had ever predicted that something as simple as a microscopic virus would be capable of a global pandemic, or of producing such enormous changes to the world as we knew it. It has already begun to impact every aspect of the life of every person in every country of the world and is expanding daily. We are yet to see the full affects as the southern hemisphere moves into the “flu season” of the winter months, and as if what has happened already in the northern hemisphere is not enough, so much more is about to unfold in the many populous countries on the continents of Africa and South America also. There has never been anything like this in the entire history of the world since the Noahic flood; not one of the major crises in history has ever been so wide spread or so multi faceted in its affect. This now has the potential of being more than the “big one” that will give everyone on planet earth the opportunity to see, and to hopefully consider, what is going on in this world and decide to “prepare to meet thy God” when He comes soon to take His faithful ones to Himself for eternity. 

While it seems like a giant tsunami slowly coming towards us, it has in reality all happened quite rapidly, forcing governments around the world to hourly make extreme decisions and to take action to protect their citizens and their economies from the seemingly unstoppable affects of COVID-19 (China Outbreak Virus In December 2019). Many of these decisions have instantly swept away activities that we have always been free to participate in, and have stolen the civil liberties of individuals, without even a word of protest from the people, or even from those individuals and organisations who have always fought so strongly to protect them. Absolute control of the entire population of earth by a crown shaped virus! 

Maybe one good thing will be noticed out of this scenario — that many of the activities deemed so important in this world will be seen to be totally unnecessary, or if still considered necessary, will be seen to be able to occur in a much easier and more cost effective way. 

It is very clear to us all that the governments are not going to be able to “bail out” each and every sector that is urgently appealing for assistance; so we can see that increasing numbers of the population are going to be affected from this point on, in ways not ever even dreamed of before. Some are saying that even if it all passes quickly, and there is no sign of the possibility of that occurring at this point, the whole world will never be the same again; the measures taken under these emergency (or even panic) conditions will be left in place permanently, changing life as we knew it.  

As our Precious Saviour, Who has promised to never leave us nor forsake us, said, when describing the scenes just prior to His second coming, “There shall be signs…and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth.” Luke 21:25,26