Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Out Of The Cities

Christ spent the majority of His 33½ years on this earth in a rural setting, well away from the cities of that time, and He, through His Testimonies in the Spirit of Prophecy, has for 175 years been kindly counselling us to have our homes “out of the cities”, “into rural districts where the houses are not crowded closely together” on “a small piece of land”, where we are able to enjoy the natural benefits of “Country Living”. 

The news each day has confirmed why this would definitely be the wisest advice that could ever have been given to His people, and it certainly always pays to heed the “counsel of the Faithful and True Witness” to the Laodicean church, for those He loves He “rebukes and chastens” for their highest good. We can surely see, for some time now, that in the very near “future the problem of buying and selling will be a very serious one”. This combined with all of the manmade distress and the frequent natural disasters that we daily see manifest on the news, makes the simple life in the country, that He has chosen for us, look even better each day and causes us to lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving often for the freedom that it gives us to be able to live so peacefully and to worship Him in “spirit and in truth”. 

He has informed us that just before He comes again there will be “Upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. Luke 21:25,26

The advantages of “Country Living” are too numerous to mention here, so having heeded His counsel let us all, whilst at the same time also enjoying the very best possible health, appreciate all of the advantages each and every moment of time that He gives us breath.

“Remember Lot’s wife”.