Saturday 8 August 2020

What Christians May Be

Study the Bible, for there are rules laid down that must be brought into the life if [we] would strive lawfully to secure that reward of eternal life which will be given to the overcomers. They do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible. If the prize is of value to us, [it must be] kept in view that it may have an influence upon our life, upon our characters. It must be often surveyed, admired, and become desirable, and we so long to possess it that no effort or self-denial or self-sacrifice will be considered severe. Why many turn from the rich prize of eternal life that has been presented before them to paltry, earthly things is because they do not appreciate the reward by considering it, dwelling upon it, longing for it. The eyes must be fixed upon Jesus, upon the prize He holds before us, and then, with renewed vigor, press on, running the race with patience. The thoughts of the Christian must be much upon heaven, thinking of the immortal inheritance, becoming more and more in love with Jesus. Meditating, praying, believing with all the heart. 

I wish I could portray before you what Christians may be. Commencing in the morning of life, their steady onward progress, governed by the laws of nature and of God, they may progress in life, steadily rising upward and heavenward, where is the crown of life, the harp of gold, the glorious white robe of Christ’s righteousness. Each year’s effort and progress may excel the former year, increasing in virtue, in happiness, in holiness, in usefulness. Like the sun moving in the heavens in an undeviating course, obeying with all precision the principles which control its progress, we may move on, governed by laws of God as certain and better understood, until our path shall be like that of the just “which shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” 

God help you to fix your eyes upon the Pattern. Turn not from the path of virtue and true honor by leaving the great principles which God has laid down in His Word. So run that ye may obtain. It is a good land toward which we are traveling. We are fully able, if God be with us, to go up and possess this goodly land. The blessings God is willing to bestow are worth all the efforts, all the sacrifice which we shall be called upon to make. Wait upon the Lord, believe the Lord for present good, claim by faith a foretaste of heaven. 

Believe—without one doubt, believe. Fix the attention on the rich promises. Jesus loves us. He has died for us. He wants to give us rich blessings, and if you will forsake the lower streams and come up to the mountain brooks, how the soul would be refreshed. The world charms. The world attracts. Turn from these things to the living God. Let love to God and the brethren be cultivated; and may the peace of God rule in your hearts is the prayer of one who loves God. Lt 92, 1887