Saturday, 22 February 2020

Abundant Life

I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

So far as God is concerned, no difference is made between Christ and us. By pursuing the same course that Jesus took, the same results will follow in our case. Jesus recognised what the Father was to Him in all His life, and so we do not find Him thinking, planning, speaking, acting, or claiming anything for Himself, but leaving all things to His Father. Although Christ has sent us forth, just as He Himself was sent, we, instead of committing everything to God, take matters into our own hands. We are afraid that if we did not, sometimes at least, take the initiative, nothing would be done. Others expect us to take action, and although we do not actually know what is the best thing to do, we feel pressured to do something. The Lord bids us to trust in Him “with all the heart”, and not even “to lean to our own understanding”. 

Christ was dependent on His Father through every step of His life. If God had not given Him the word to speak, it would never have been spoken, for He had none of Himself. If God had not revealed to Him the course to take, nothing would have been done, for He came not to do His own will. Christ “emptied Himself” and if the Father had not filled Him, He would have remained empty. If we acknowledge our Laodicean smugness, confess our own helplessness and emptiness, repent and wait on the Lord at all times, is there any danger that our life record will be a barren one? It was not so with Christ. If we find ourselves in some situation where it might seem that we should speak, and the Lord gives us no word to speak, we are not to conclude that the Lord has overlooked us and decide to take the matter into our own hands, but know that the Lord has nothing for us to say, and that, at that time, silence is golden. Jesus was brought into circumstances that to human eyes, it would seem that every consideration demanded instant and energetic speech, but the Father gave Him nothing to say, and so “He answered not a word”.

Jesus had such confidence in His Father that He could wait for Him to give the right word or act, and the Father was never found wanting. He never disappointed His Son, and He never will disappoint those who “commit their way unto Him”, leaving Him “to will and to do of His own good pleasure”, and who are prepared never to speak another word, perform another act or go anywhere, that does not originate with Him. “They shall not be ashamed that wait for me.” Isaiah 49:23. 

There was nothing in Christ that was not of the Father. Since He lived by the Father, and there was nothing in His life that came from any other source, every thought and word and action was a revelation of God’s way. It is to be the same with all Christ’s followers. It is not possible for Christians to regard this matter with indifference. No one may excuse himself by saying that the standard is too high for anyone to live up to, and no one may think that he will reserve to himself the privilege of thinking his own thoughts and speaking his own words occasionally. Christ draws a sharp line of distinction between those who “deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow Him”, and those who “love the praise of men” and esteem anything above their Lord. He says, “He that speaketh from himself seeketh his own glory.” John 7:18. Whoever seeks his own glory cannot receive Christ, for He is meek and lowly in heart. It was for this reason that the Jews could not believe on Christ, and the same difficulty in us, will prove just as fatal. “How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another?” John 5:44. 

In hating Christ, and seeking His life, the Jews showed what was their real feeling towards the Father. They professed themselves very jealous for the honour of Jehovah, because they thought He was altogether such an one as themselves, but when they became acquainted with His true character, as revealed in His Son, many of them hated Him without a cause. They were filled with the murderous spirit of Satan, and at the first opportunity they put the Son of God to death. Satan’s spirit has not changed, and it animates all who do not allow God to think and speak in them. In “seeking their own glory”, they are repeating that which caused Satan’s fall from heaven, and changed him from the covering cherub to the prince of devils. While the professed church of Christ seeks it’s own glory, Satan can do much to further his own plans through its unconscious instrumentality, but when its members become like their Lord, and let God speak and work in them, Satan’s wrath will be speedily aroused against them and he will stir up his followers to destroy the members of Christ’s body. All in whose hearts Christ dwells by faith may know that He by whom they live is the object of Satan’s deadliest hatred, and that they themselves will share his rage, but they may know also that Christ’s perfect victory over all the power of the enemy is theirs as well. 

One of the most remarkable things about Jesus was the way in which He distinguished between right and wrong. Puzzling questions were often brought to Him, but were always solved with such wisdom that they were dumbfounded. We need the same wisdom, the “eyesalve” that He promises, for the traditions of men, false theories, and considerations of expediency have so confused the distinction between right and wrong in men’s minds, that many honestly believe wrong to be right and right to be wrong. Selfish interests always cloud the judgement, and bias the decision, but Christ was swayed by none of these. He sought only the will of God, and listened only to His voice. 

It was never intended that the experience of Jesus, in these matters, should be an exceptional one. God does everything in perfect righteousness because that is the law of His being, and that same law He puts into our hearts. It is perfectly natural for Him to do right, and it will be the same for those who let Him dwell in and write His law in their hearts. They will judge righteous judgment, will speak words in season, and always do the right thing in the right way, because God’s way is in their hearts. God Himself is their Life. They, like Christ, do not need that any man teach them. We are not our own, to do with as we please. He will come in and take complete possession. “Christ demands all”, “He must have entire management of the life”. Whatever appears desirable in the life of Christ, men are called to partake of. He reserves nothing for Himself, but makes all who receive Him joint heirs with Himself. 

It is our thoughts that keep us from God. Those who continue to think their own thoughts will seek Christ in vain, for where He is they cannot come. Am I prepared to say that the old self shall no longer be allowed to have a single thought, however natural;  a word to say – no matter how important it may seem;  a single feeling – however gratifying; not a single wish or work –  however right; or a place to go – no matter how inviting? If you would truly and fully abide in Christ, then prepare yourself to part for ever from self, and not to allow it, even for a single moment, to have anything to say in your inner life, remembering that, “no man can empty himself of self. We can only consent for Christ to accomplish the work.” If you are willing to permit this, come entirely away out of self, and to allow Jesus Christ to become your life within you, inspiring all your thinking, feeling, acting, in things temporal and spiritual, He is ready to undertake the charge. In the fullest and widest sense the word life ever can have, He will be your life, extending His interest and influence to each one, even the minutest, of the thousand things that make up your daily life. 

Look with holy fear on the enemy, self, struggling to get free from the cross, seeking to allure you into giving it some little liberty, or else ready to deceive you by its profession of willingness now to do service to Christ. Remember, self seeking to serve God is more dangerous than self refusing obedience. Look upon it with holy fear, and hide yourself in Christ: in Him alone is your safety. Abide thus in Him; He has promised to abide in you. He will teach you to be humble and watchful. He will teach you to be happy and trustful. Bring every interest of your life, every power of your nature, all the unceasing flow of thought, and will, and feeling, that makes up life, and trust Him to take the place that self once filled so easily and so naturally. Jesus Christ will indeed take possession of you and dwell in you; and in the restfulness and peace and grace of the new life you shall have unceasing joy at the wondrous exchange that has been made - the coming out of self to abide in Christ alone. 

The life of Christ has shown what humanity can do by being partaker of the divine nature. All that Christ received from God we too may have. COL 149

When we submit ourselves to Christ, the heart is united with His heart, the will is merged in His will, the mind becomes one with His mind, the thoughts are brought into captivity to Him; we live His life. This is what it means to be clothed with the garment of His righteousness. FLB 113

The impartation of the Spirit is the impartation of the life of Christ. DA 805