The loving, selfless God presided over a universe of harmony and peace. All was going perfectly, when for some inexplicable reason, in the mind of the highest of all created beings, the mystery of iniquity – selfishness, sin – arose, even leading to jealousy of God Himself. Lucifer began to spread his discontent among his fellow angels. Soon it took hold, leading to a war in Heaven, at the end of which he and his supporters were cast out.
Following the creation of this world, this fallen angel and his followers brought their destructive force down to tempt the new inhabitants of the earth with their agenda. These first created human beings, who were made in the image of God so that He could have the closest and most unique kinship with them, fell for the lies of Satan. So effective has he been that eventually every human who has ever lived on this earth since then has, with their fallen sinful natures, chosen to follow him in allowing self to rule. Every imaginable distortion of God's Way has been introduced to each of the inhabitants of this world, especially to His church – to those who would be saved by their own merits, and those who would be saved in their sins – he entices them to take "the sign for the substance; the end for the means", trying to prevent them from accepting Christ, the Substance and the Means, and enjoying what God had planned for their happiness.
One of the Godhead, the Creator of all things, out of Pure Love for His created beings had a Perfect Plan to solve all of the problems that had arisen from the acceptance of the mystery of iniquity – it would be the Mystery of God. He would leave forever His form as God Himself and actually become one of His own created beings. This would involve retaining His humanity for eternity. He willingly subordinated Himself for the salvation of all mankind. He would Himself demonstrate the original way of living in eternal, perfect, happiness and in the manner that has been continually enjoyed by all the citizens of the unfallen worlds in the universe.
All of the lies that had been spread about God would be thoroughly counteracted by this One life; there was now a Way to freedom, for every person on this earth; freedom from the self-inflicted bondage that had resulted from the sting of death, sin – selfishness, and He would personally work with each and every one of us, tailoring His approach to every individual.
From this moment on you can be free, even though you are “on death row”, and when He makes you free you “shall be free indeed”. He has provided a Way for you to live forever with Him. This is all that He was ever wanting, for everyone, from the creation of this world.
Because He is unable to use lies, force, coercion, intimidation or fear like His arch-enemy, He is only left with Love to appeal to you in the hope that you willingly accept His offer of intimate fellowship with Himself, of which marriage was to be an example and a constant reminder.
When self rules there is a continual restlessness that pervades every moment of time, a desire to constantly be inventing new and wondrous ways to exalt itself. What the Saviour of mankind demonstrated was a Way in which we can live a life of perfect trust and restfulness in Him, every moment now and eternally, of which His Sabbath rest is a weekly reminder.
All that He asks is that you realise your true state – a sinner facing eternal death, then, if you would like to accept His offer of eternal freedom from this “accursed thing”, that you just simply take Him at His word and believe that He will do what He has said that He will for you – perfect rest in Him and His Word forever.
You are now free from having to do anything anymore to prove to anyone what self has decided is the image that it wishes to portray. God's offer is so simple that no one can ever claim, “that is too difficult for me to do”. He can, and He will, do everything in and through you as He lives His life in you. “The impartation of the Spirit is the impartation of the life of Christ”. Come to Him and rest – waiting on Him for every thought, word, action and place to go; just like He demonstrated when He willingly came to this earth to save us from our sins.
There is just one other point to bear in mind, if you choose to accept Him and give Him total management of your life you are now entering “the greatest battle that has ever been fought – the surrender of self to the will of God”, but please do not be afraid of this constant challenge; instead, join with all of those who have chosen to live with Christ in them, proclaiming - “Thanks be unto God Who giveth us the victory through our LORD Jesus Christ”.
Victory, in order to be victory, must be eternal. But the final victory over death is only the present victory over sin, a victorious life of perfect Righteousness by faith, which is the natural working out of the life of Christ in each one.
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2
This is the moment!