Saturday, 29 February 2020

Only One

Each day of our life has proven:
Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. Jeremiah 17:5

It is not enough to be independent of all men, we need to be independent of one's self. 
Lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5. MPM
Jeremiah continues in Vs 7 -
Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5.

Let the thought encourage us that Christ pities the erring, and desires to comfort the despondent, and encourage the weak. He is fully acquainted with the peculiar trials of every life. He never misjudges our motives, nor places a wrong estimate upon our character. Men may do us injustice, we may suffer by calumny and suspicion, but the Saviour knows our inmost thought, and cannot judge our actions wrongly. We may tell him all our griefs and perplexities, and he will never abuse our confidence, nor turn a deaf ear to our complaints. HR October 1, 1877