Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Isaiah 58

The Spirit Of Prophecy has more commentary on Isaiah 58 than any other portion of Scripture in this Great day of Atonement:

After exposing our true condition in verses 1-4, the LORD opens up to us His Way.

Is not this the fast (true self-denial for the blessing of others)
that I have chosen (for you to demonstrate)?
to loose the bands (captivity to sin, Babylon) of wickedness,
to undo (point others to Christ)
the heavy burdens (“Come unto Me...”),
and to let the oppressed go free, (“free indeed”)
and that ye break every yoke (devil's galling one; selfishness)?
Is it not to
deal thy bread to the hungry (sharing His imparted daily spiritual bread),
and that thou bring the poor (“poor in spirit”)
that are cast out (disfellowshipped for truth)
to thy house (into true fellowship and edification)?
when thou seest the naked (in Laodicean self righteousness),
that thou cover him (offering Christ's righteousness);
and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh (no trust in man or self)?
Then shall thy light (His light in us)
break forth as the morning (“Daystar arise”),
and thine health (from His righteousness) shall spring forth speedily:
and Thy righteousness (His) shall go before thee (opening the way);
the glory of the Lord (“is risen upon thee”)
shall be thy rereward (“light of Midnight Cry behind us”).
Then shalt thou call (“ask anything in My Name”),
and the Lord shall answer (because of doing only His will);
thou shalt cry (“unto Thee”),
and He shall say, Here I am (“I will never leave you nor forsake you”).
If thou take away from the midst of thee (the church)
the yoke (of “doing” things to appear “good” and for the approval of others),
the putting forth of the finger (pointing out others faults but not correcting own),
and speaking vanity (either about self or idle words);
And if thou draw out thy soul (“a burden for souls”)
to the hungry (“for [His] righteousness”),
and satisfy (encouraging)
the afflicted soul (who is putting away sin in this Great Day of Atonement);
then shall thy light (His in you)
rise in obscurity (He will use “those who have not sought leadership”),
and thy darkness (during this time of “gross darkness”)
be as the noonday (“ye are the light of the world”):
And the Lord shall guide thee continually (“with Mine eye”),
and satisfy thy soul (“the hungry”)
in drought (present and future “famine for hearing the words of the LORD”),
and make fat thy bones (bringing a “good report”):
and thou shalt be like a watered garden,
and like a spring of water,
whose waters fail not (“Christ in you”).
And they that shall be of Thee (His faithful)
shall build the old waste places (backslidden church):
thou shalt raise up the foundations (lost foundational truths)
of many generations (4);
and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach (Sabbath reform),
The restorer of paths (old/original) to dwell (“safely”) in.
If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath (stop trampling on it),
from doing thy pleasure on
my holy day (including the Great Day of Atonement now);
and call the sabbath a delight,
the holy of the Lord (His holiness in us to keep it holy), honourable;
and shalt honour him, (humility first)
not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure,
nor speaking thine own words (waiting for His next words, deeds and place to go):
Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord (“delight to do Thy will”);
and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth
(“kings to the brightness of thy rising”),
and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob
(Holiness, artistic ability, health, prosperity, agricultural skill, intellectual superiority, national greatness) thy father:
for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it (absolutely certain to happen at this time).