In the Jewish Legal system no man was ever to be convicted in a single day – always a 2nd trial the following day – time given to think/pray.
If a judge proclaimed a person innocent on the 1st day, they could not change the verdict on the second day. But if a judge found a person guilty on the 1st day, they could change the verdict on the 2nd day.
In Jesus' trial there was no waiting until 2nd trial/day or final conviction before all smote Him, spat on Him, battered etc – punishment was not permitted like this.
No Friday trial permitted before the Sabbath- “On eve of Sabbath or a Holy Day”.
No trial was permitted in the hours of darkness. Must be between morning sacrifice and evening sacrifice.
In the Jewish legal system, only one conviction was to be made per trial. In Jesus' trial He was tried 1st for sedition- the witnesses disagreed, inconsistent testimony. He should have been released then.
In Jesus' trial they bribed the witness/es, which was forbidden. Exodus 23:8
False witnesses were used. Under Jewish law they were to receive the same punishment that the accused was to get and the accused was to go free.
At Jesus' trial they had 2 trials all in one session. This was not allowed.
Under Jewish law they were to seek every avenue to see that an innocent person was acquitted and not condemned.
Under Jewish law no trial was permitted before the morning sacrifice. There was to be a prayer prayed by the priest at the time of this sacrifice and it was to give the individuals time to also seek God's guidance personally in the matter. Nothing was to be done without prayer.
No man is to be condemned before at least 1 judge says that he is innocent. Caiaphas acted as defence council by himself, not before all the judges. “All those in favour” is not the true method of that legal system. He rent his High Priestly robe - the ephod, a capital offence = death.
Witnesses were the only prosecution in the legal system.
In Jewish law every judge was to give his verdict as an individual, not simultaneously, as in Christ's trial. It must start with the junior judges first, so that they could not be influenced by any other/s.
The trial must be held in the hall of the Temple Gazigh, but in Jesus' trial was illegally held in the High Priest's palace.
Judges were to be totally neutral. There was total enmity against Christ before He appeared – several times they had met to plan His death.
Jewish law stipulated that they not conspire against any person before the trial. In Jesus' trial there are at least 3 previous meetings recorded.
In the legal system, as it then stood, there were improperly elected judges, “privilege for duty”. They purchased their positions/commissions - for the highest bidder received it.
Under Jewish law every effort was to be made to acquit the innocent – but in Christ's case, every effort was made to convict the innocent.
It was a custom before the death of a condemned person, for a proclamation to be made that others might bear testimony/witness to his innocence. No such proclamation was made for our Lord.
No one could bring an accusation on himself – it is not allowed. Only 2 witnesses can do so.
If a quick decision was made, the High Priest's role was to acquit the person immediately.
If they were unable to decide, they were to go home, fast and pray and come back and even if all 71 accused and a young observer in the rear of the court could find a way to acquit, he was elevated to the Sanhedrin for life.
The 71 were seated in a semi-circle, on cushions, so that all had an equal view of the accused – they all saw the same thing.
Votes were counted by 3 parties (Left ,Right & Centre) plus the High Priest, so that there could be no doubt.
Even up to the point of the death of the accused, if a witness came forward with information that proved the innocency of the condemned, the Sanhedrin were to be called back and then a horseman would be dispatched to have the sentence stopped and the innocent released.
Not one person spoke up in defence of Christ on the day! e.g. Like Eve in Eden & the Israelites at Mt. Carmel. He speaks up for each one of us each and every day.
It was my sins that He took this condemnation for. I will love Him for ever.
The fairest judicial system in history, given by Himself, the Merciful God, was used to illegally condemn Himself, the only innocent Man in this world's history.
He is my Advocate and Judge, in the only Judgement that matters, so, He knows what is like from both sides. Now that is really fair.