Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Christianity Is...

Christianity is simply living by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. We are to believe in, and live in, Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life. We have faith in God when we believe His Word; we trust and obey God when we keep His commandments; and we love God when we love His law. FW 122

Christianity is the revealing of the tenderest affection for one another. 1 SM 114

Christianity is always intensely practical, adapting itself to all the circumstances of actual life. MYP 200

True Christianity is a religion of progress. LP 124

Christianity is an intensely practical thing, and those who have put on Christ should walk even as He walked. RH Sept 28, 1897

Christianity is a system, which, received and obeyed, would spread peace, harmony, and happiness throughout the earth. 4 SP 47

Christianity is the solace of the poor. WM 172

Practical Christianity is the revealing in word and action of the will of God. UL 184

Christianity is the only hope for perishing souls. 3 SM 194

Christianity is an active principle. BE June 1, 1887

Christianity is...a full conversion to God. 17 MR 44 the word of Him who liveth and abideth forever. It is a living, animating principle, that takes possession of the mind, heart, motives, and the entire man...It is a vital, personal experience, that elevates and ennobles the whole man. SpTA09 57