Wednesday, 1 April 2020

The Counsel of Peace

And speak unto Him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying,
Behold the Man whose name is The Branch;
and He shall grow up out of His place,
and He shall build the temple of the Lord:
Even He shall build the temple of the Lord;
and He shall bear the glory,
and shall sit and rule upon His Throne;
and He shall be a Priest upon His Throne:
and the counsel of peace shall be between them Both. 
Zechariah 6:12,13

Equal in every regard, those Who we now know as Christ and the Father, held this counsel of peace, which, as the prophets describe, was strictly private. Christ willingly offered to become the only Way that mankind could be saved from their sins; He would come to earth as a created human and demonstrate how to live in the way that was originally intended, fulfilling the law of God and providing complete redemption and restoration back to God for every sinner who consented to accept Him and His Life. 

Christ brought His plan three times to this counsel of peace, because even though He had fully calculated and accepted the consequences, it was an horrific struggle for the other Member of the counsel of peace to agree to it, for it meant separation from each other for the first time in eternity, and indescribable agony and suffering every day for the One Who was willing to implement the plan. Even so, Christ willingly subordinated Himself for the salvation of man, and He knew that He was able to fulfil His desire in every particular. On the third occasion the Plan was agreed to. See EW 126; 149.

Our Saviour knew exactly what He wanted to achieve and He was more than willing to do so, even just for you. Not only would He achieve the complete salvation of mankind, but He would also secure the Government of God and the Universe forever, and as a result the Godhead would never again be faced with the situation that firstly arose in Heaven and the ensuing one that followed on earth. 

O, the riches of the fulness of the grace of God! Instead of the Lord Jesus moving farther from us on account of our guilt, He came nearer, in the fulness of the Godhead bodily. He exalted humanity; by taking upon Himself humanity, and becoming as one of us, He demonstrated to our senses how deep and abundantly God can love.
The Saviour suffered to bring to us salvation, and when He presents His character for us to copy, His mind rules our minds, even our thoughts are to be brought into captivity to Jesus Christ. Our God turned His whole divine self into a sacrifice. O, what depths of humiliation! No line can fathom it! O, what love, what matchless love, is exhibited in the lifting up of Jesus upon the shameful cross! And all for a world which refused to live unto God was this exhibition of self-denial for fallen man! O, amazing spectacle of a living God who gave Himself to save a perishing world! Ms 4, 1891

God cannot lie, He always does what He says He will do; He willingly subordinated Himself and what a Result He achieved! 
He has the ability to see the full and eternal outcome of His plan and He is “satisfied” that it was all worthwhile. 

That is only one of the reasons why He has been given a Name Above Every Name!